

提供面向大眾的電動汽車不僅需要投入大量資金,而且這也是一項艱巨的工程。隨著 OEM、供應商和新興汽車製造商進行數十億投資來開發創新型電動汽車,以及優化開發和生產流程,他們需要尋找一個戰略合作夥伴來幫助他們實現願景。Altair 技術將會改變電動客車、越野車和自動駕駛汽車的設計方式,能夠説明他們加快產品開發、提高能效及優化集成系統性能。







集成的系統級多學科多物理場解決方案使設計人員能夠瞭解並優化當今電池電動汽車 (BEV) 複雜、互聯的架構。



隨著 OEM 開始面向其主流客戶生產 BEV 來解決續航能力、傳動系統效率和充電時間等問題,設計在開發流程中變得更加重要。為此需要快速研究更高的系統電壓,實現創新冷卻方案並不斷努力減輕車輛重量。



可按需使用的高性能計算 (HPC) 服務讓使用者能夠在需求達到高峰時安全擴展模擬功能,滿足對多個項目執行詳細的多學科優化研究的需求,降低開發成本和風險。







BEV 產品開發:要使 BEV 開發週期與傳統動力車輛專案的計畫時間表保持一致,就需要對工程團隊的結構和工具集進行更改。模擬驅動設計流程可以減少重新設計和物理原型製造,加快從概念到設計的進程,從而能夠解決這種特殊挑戰。

在預程式設計期間考慮輕量化,實現均衡設計:減少品質對於提高電池續航能力和電推進性能非常重要。Altair Concept 1-2-3 設計流程使設計人員能夠通過模擬瞭解車輛架構、製造流程、材料選擇和平臺策略,從而自信地創建和評估新一代創新架構。

執行設計研究,做出明智的電機選擇:在概念階段快速執行設計研究及進行可行性排序,根據結果做出明智的最佳下游電推進決策。可以使用 Altair FluxMotor™ 比較性能,選出最佳電機拓撲結構,同時考慮效率、溫度、重量、緊湊性和成本等要求。




關於效率、冷卻和雜訊的詳細設計:要想在性能、成本和重量之間達到平衡,設計人員可以利用多物理場模擬提高電動汽車的駕駛體驗。使用 Altair® Flux® 執行詳細的電機電磁模擬,並使用 Altair CFD™ 執行磁熱模擬,可評估對流和輻射對效率損失的影響。借助 Altair® OptiStruct®,可以了解電推進系統對聲音品質和乘客體驗的影響,而借助 Altair CFD,則可以瞭解風噪和路噪。

電動汽車面臨的碰撞和安全挑戰:電池組對於電動汽車的安全至關重要,因此,需要從車輛碰撞事故和道路碎片碰撞與衝擊的模擬深入洞察,並與車輛專案研發進度保持一致。Altair 在車輛安全方面進行了大力投資,並與車輛電池研究領域的引領者開展合作,現可高效、準確地分析,可能會因短路而導致電池起火的機械故障。



EV 性能優化:EV 子系統對周圍系統的影響很大,可以借此優化車輛性能。通過多學科方法,設計人員可以分析和優化複雜系統中的關鍵性能屬性,實現最終設計平衡。

驅動和控制集成:Altair 基於模型的開發解決方案可利用模擬模型加速設計交付,並且能夠就不同複雜程度的機電系統提供支援。可以根據車輛開發階段在電機、功率轉換器和控制策略設計中部署不同保真度的模型(從 0D 到 3D)。您可以按順序或同時對一維和三維模擬研究進行耦合,以通過專為提高設計效率而建立的代表性系統模型來評估產品性能。

V2X、ADAS 和自動駕駛汽車:電動汽車解決方案必須與周圍系統建立連接並進行交互,並且不能干擾車載電氣系統 (EMC/EMI)。Altair Feko™ 高頻電磁軟體和波傳播工具能夠幫助車輛設計人員執行虛擬駕駛測試,並將使用專用短程通信 (DSRC) 或 5G 無線信號的環境障礙納入考量。


Guide to Accelerating e-Mobility to Realization

The electric mobility revolution is ready to go mainstream. OEMs, suppliers, and emerging vehicle manufacturers are investing billions to develop innovative electric vehicles and optimize development and production processes to deliver e-mobility to the masses. For companies to realize their goals of achieving mass adoption and profitability, we see simulation technology as the cornerstone of any e-mobility strategy. Whether updating existing vehicle design processes to go electric or developing a new program from the ground up, it can be challenging to identify the technology required and ensure these tools work harmoniously to model the complexities of the vehicle’s interconnected systems. In this guide, we set out to help electric vehicles manufacturers build a comprehensive technology stack, develop a sustainable design process, and deploy manufacturing operations that scale to meet growing demand.


E-motor Design using Multiphysics Optimization

Today, an e-motor cannot be developed just by looking at the motor as an isolated unit; tight requirements concerning the integration into both the complete electric or hybrid drivetrain system and perceived quality must be met. Multi-disciplinary and multiphysics optimization methodologies make it possible to design an e-motor for multiple, completely different design requirements simultaneously, thus avoiding a serial development strategy, where a larger number of design iterations are necessary to fulfill all requirements and unfavorable design compromises need to be accepted.

The project described in this paper is focused on multiphysics design of an e-motor for Porsche AG. Altair’s simulation-driven approach supports the development of e-motors using a series of optimization intensive phases building on each other. This technical paper offers insights on how the advanced drivetrain development team at Porsche AG, together with Altair, has approached the challenge of improving the total design balance in e-motor development.

White Papers

Using Multiphysics to Predict and Prevent EV Battery Fire

Electric vehicles (EV) offer the exciting possibility to meet the world’s transportation demands in an environmentally sustainable way. Mass adoption could help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, but the lithium-ion (Li-on) batteries that power them still present unique challenges to designers and engineers, primary among them to ensuring safety against battery fire. To achieve vehicle manufacturer’s ambitious adoption goals, it is necessary to improve the safety of Li-on batteries by better understanding all of the complex, interconnected aspects of their behavior across both normal and extreme duty cycles. Altair is focused on developing a comprehensive understanding of automotive battery safety issues which it has named the Altair Battery Designer project. It combines innovative design methods and tools to model and predict mechanical damage phenomena as well as thermal and electro-chemical runaway. Altair has developed an efficient way to calculate mechanical and short-term thermal response to mechanical abuses, providing accurate computational models and engineer-friendly methods to design a better battery.

White Papers

e-Mobility Development Webinar Series

The electric mobility revolution is ready to go mainstream. OEMs, suppliers, and emerging vehicle manufacturers are investing billions to develop innovative electric vehicles and optimize development and production processes to deliver e-mobility to the masses. In these presentations, learn how Altair works with the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers to accelerate product development, enhance energy efficiency, and optimize integrated system performance.
