Altair EDEM 應用

Altair® EDEM™ 應用程式

EDEM 軟體由離散元法 (DEM) 提供支援,可準確模擬岩石、土壤、礫石、晶料、片劑和粉末的行為以及它們在一系列操作和工藝條件下與設備的相互作用。EDEM 在全球範圍內用於處理或加工散裝和顆粒狀材料的所有行業,從重型設備和越野到採礦、金屬以及加工製造。

了解關於 EDEM 的更多資訊


滑移裝載機、挖掘機、挖掘裝載機和卡車車身都用於處理形狀和形態各異的散裝材料,從大型採石場的岩石到粘性土壤、磨料礦石或自由流動的顆粒。這些材料及其與機器部件的相互作用對設備性能有很大影響。EDEM 允許工程師預測散裝材料的行為並識別堵塞、溢出和易磨損區域的風險。它可提供精確的材料載荷,以用於有限元分析 (FEA) 和多體動力學 (MBD) 模擬優化設計。 查看視頻示例


拖拉機、聯合收割機和牧草收割機都用於處理各種顆粒材料,如農作物、種子和土壤,這些材料的性質因位置和季節條件而有所不同。這些材料可變性對機器性能有很大影響。EDEM 可以預測這些材料的流動,並識別堵塞、磨損和作物損壞的風險。它可以與 Altair® MotionSolve®等多體動力學工具相結合,模擬作物-機械和土壤-機械的相互作用,並預測設備對各種材料的回應。


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輸送機轉運點和進料槽、回收裝置、破碎機和研磨機的性能和可靠性是決定礦山和工廠生產率的關鍵因素。EDEM 允許工程師瞭解岩石、礦石和煤炭在設備或操作各個環節中的流動情況。用於評估和驗證輸送溜槽的設計性能,並解決溢出、堵塞和磨損等關鍵設計挑戰。還可通過預測破碎機和銑削幾何、礦石特性和操作條件對研磨效率、磨機產量和功率需求的影響來優化粉碎設備。



鐵礦石、煤炭、顆粒和熔渣是煉鋼過程的核心元素。EDEM 可用於模擬一系列操作和流程,確保高效處理這些材料。它允許工程師以虛擬方式檢查高爐裝料設備的運行情況,並用於盡可能減少高爐裝料過程中的偏析,可優化材料分佈和傳播以及預測設備磨損區域。EDEM 提供了用實驗無法獲得的重要見解。它是幫助提高鋼材品質、能源效率和高爐性能的關鍵工具。



散裝物料作為原材料或最終產品參與了超過 70% 的工業生產過程。有效處理和加工這些材料對於實現藥品、食品和其他產品的盈利性製造至關重要。EDEM 可模擬和分析粉末、片劑、膠囊、顆粒、聚合物等材質的行為。它用於模擬包括混合、塗層、裝模、造粒、研磨在內的一系列過程。EDEM 提供了與優化流程、提高產品品質、減少物理原型製作和成本節約相關的重要見解。

EDEM 能够與 Altair CFD™ 進行耦合,用以模擬複雜顆粒-流體系統,例如流化床、固液混合、噴塗、乾燥和氣力輸送。



Designing Agricultural Machinery with EDEM

In this webinar, learn more about EDEM software and how it can be used for the design, performance testing, and optimization of agricultural machinery. Tractors, combines and forage harvesters are all designed to work with a range of granular materials such as crops, seeds and soils. These materials can impact the performance of the machine and its durability. EDEM software, powered by the Discrete Element Method (DEM), accurately simulates the behavior of grains, seeds, crops and soils and provides engineers with crucial insight into how materials will interact with a piece of equipment during a range of operation and process conditions. Webinar contents: • Challenges of designing agricultural equipment • Introducing EDEM simulation technology: overview and CAE integration • EDEM applications examples: combine harvesters, tillage tools, fertilizer spreader, grain handling & transport systems, and more • EDEM workflow demo Duration: 44 minutes


Webinar 2020: Modeling Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes with EDEM

Check out the new Webinar with Exapmles from Novo Nordisk and Pfizer at In this webinar from 2020, learn more about EDEM simulation technology and how it can help optimize a range of processes including mixing, coating and die filling.


From Mine to Blast Furnace – Optimizing the Steelmaking Process with EDEM

In this webinar learn more about EDEM software and how it can be used to optimize a range of operations and processes as part of the steelmaking process.

Bulk materials such as iron ore, coal, pellets and sinter are at the core of the steelmaking process. From transporting raw materials from the mines to the plant by wagons, moving materials on conveyor belts to the blast furnace and the actual charging of the furnace, efficient handling and processing of those materials is critical to achieve efficiency.

EDEM software, powered by the Discrete Element Method (DEM), accurately simulates the behavior of rocks, soils, ores, gravel, etc. It provides engineers with crucial insight into how bulk materials will interact with their equipment during a range of operation and process conditions.

Webinar Contents:
• Raw material handling and transportation:
improving performance and reliability of equipment such as transfer chutes, coal wagons, bucket elevators, screw augers and more.
• Processes: optimizing performance of machines such as cone crushers, mills, vibrating screens, dryers and mixers.
• Blast furnace: minimizing segregation in charging process, optimizing material distribution and dispersal, predicting areas of equipment wear.

49 minutes


Using EDEM at Astec, Inc.

Andrew Hobbs, Chief DEM/CFD Engineer at Astec, Inc. shares his experience using EDEM software. Astec is a global leader in the hot mix asphalt plant industry and Andrew's main focus in on applying fluid and particle simulation to better understand and improve hot mix asphalt equipment design. In this video he discusses what key applications he uses EDEM for, the key benefits Astec gets from it as well as his thoughts on the future of simulation.
