

許多組織都在努力管理和挖掘來自現代技術平臺的數據。到達組織的數據可能採用少量的大型檔形式,或者以每天甚至每分鐘到達的數百萬個小檔形式。數據科學家將 Apache Spark 等平臺視為管理和處理大量數據,以快速從分散式檔案系統的數據中獲得洞察的首選平臺。它能在記憶體中處理超大型數據集,其一部分原因就是Spark包含在大數據架構中。Altair 使組織能在高性能計算 (HPC)、現代處理和存儲平臺和雲環境中有效地處理大數據。別讓複雜數據成為做出明智決策的障礙。

大數據和 HPC

Altair® Unlimited™ 是一種先進的交鑰匙私有設備,具有本地版和雲版兩種版本。Altair Unlimited 支持無限使用各種 Altair® HyperWorks® 求解器軟體執行力學、流體、電磁等模擬,包括建模、視覺化和優化。為了盡可能地全面提高效率,行業領先的Altair® PBS Works™套裝軟體中的每個系統也都提供 HPC 資源管理、介面友好的 web 門戶軟體。

Altair Unlimited boxes up software, system administration, and infrastructure as a service into a single, intuitive platform.



作為提高工作效率的工具,Altair® Knowledge Studio® 能使使用者通過直觀的互動式介面連接 Apache Spark,生成無錯誤代碼,用於生產腳本。並可在分散式存儲體系結構中輕鬆運算數據(包括具有數十億行和數千列的大型數據集),這是任何其他解決方案所無法比擬的。


企業數據分析團隊能夠快速實現數據視覺化並從大量數據中獲得易於理解的資訊,從而利用 Hadoop HDFS、Amazon S3,以及 Spark 支援的其他存儲等數據來源做出明智的決策。





探索 Altair® SmartWorks™


Altair Knowledge Studio for Apache Spark™

Knowledge Studio for Apache Spark™ is unique because it allows users scale up, scale-wide and scale-down. It not only leverage’s Apache Spark’s ability to operate on datasets with very large numbers of records, it is also capable of generating improved SparkSQL queries on datasets that have thousands of columns. Further, Knowledge Studio for Apache Spark provides the ability to scale down by avoiding the overhead costs of parallelization when datasets are very small.


The Future of Altair's Data Analytics Solutions

Altair solver technology helps to unleash the limitless potential of the creative mind. We seek through our technology to inspire and empower people to solve the greatest engineering challenges. The 2020 software release further advances forward-looking technologies for simulation and optimization from concept to in-service across multiple disciplines encompassing structures, fluids, thermal management, electromagnetics, and electronics. With major additions to our multi-physics solver portfolio, we get ever closer to being able to reliably predict design performance.

Data Anaytics Summit 2020

Overcome Big Data Access Challenges with Knowledge Studio for Apache Spark™

In combination with its market-leading data visualization approach for building, exploring and segmenting data, and building explainable predictive models, Altair Knowledge Studio for Apache Spark&tradel enables data science teams to build machine learning models from data located in distributed file systems without having to code. Data preparation and profiling allows for easy data extraction and manipulation. Knowledge Studio’s efficient use of compute resources, especially in cloud environments, shortens processing cycles and reduces costs. Large datasets with billions of rows and thousands of columns can be efficiently mined for better decision intelligence.


Panopticon Explainer: Introduction to Panopticon Streaming Analytics

Managing critical IoT, telecommunications, and energy infrastructures requires real-time insight into massive amounts of information. Business analysts and engineers can’t wait for end-of-day reports to make decisions that directly affect their operations. They must be able to see and understand what is happening in real time – as it happens. They must also be able to examine all the events leading up a problem in fantastic detail. Altair Panopticon provides people working for the world’s largest corporations with the tools they need to build and deploy their own real-time analytics applications. With Panopticon, engineers and analysts can spot emerging trends, clusters, and outliers in seconds. They can also rewind and look at every single step in a series of events with nanosecond accuracy. Panopticon handles data directly from any data source you’re likely to use, including real-time message buses, time series database, CEP engines, SQL databases, and Big Data repositories.

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