




可定制的物流解決方案實現了高達 4 噸的有效載荷優勢,可降低製造複雜性,並將組裝零件減少 40%。







進行高性能計算 (HPC) 工作負載管理,以確保能源使用效率和執行時間。支援增材製造和其他先進製造技術,以最低成本實現用模擬方法開發的最佳設計。


工程塑料層壓複合材料提供了設計自由度,可滿足複雜零件的輕量化和成本要求。高品質的塑膠材料可以快速大批量生產,但需要全面模擬來根據單個產品要求定制材料。Altair 提供一整套工程塑料解决方案,以快速可靠地生产创新塑料部件。

增材製造 (AM) 並非僅與快速原型製造、研究專案和高級工程團隊的工作相關。它現在是一種可行的生產解決方案,並且 Altair 提供了強大的模擬工具鏈來支援專門為 AM 創建的生產設計。

Altair Material Data Center 是用於模擬的高保真材料數據庫



我們非常關注車輛效率,因此專門設立了在汽車行業內獨一無二的車輛可持續性和輕量化設計獎。Altair Enlighten Award 旨在表彰在可持續發展和輕量化方面取得的最大進步,這些進步表明他們在減少碳足跡,減少水和能源消耗,以及材料再利用和回收方面取得的成功。這一年度獎項激發了行業、工程、政策制定者、教育工作者、學生和公眾的興趣,為分享致力於可持續性和輕量化的最新技術創新提供了一個環境。


Altair 對可持續發展的承諾


  • 遵守我們所有全球辦事處的當地環境法規
  • 以對環境無害的方式開展業務
  • 依據適當的環境實踐管理我們的供應鏈




Built for the Future - SOM Achieves Sustainability Objectives Through Innovative Design

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) is a renowned global architectural, urban planning, and engineering firm. Known for some of the world’s most technically and environmentally advanced buildings, SOM applies creativity and emerging technologies to design buildings for the future. SOM designed the new United States Courthouse in Downtown Los Angeles to be an open and transparent public space, while also constantly considering the materials used in the project and the project's environmental footprint. The structural design specialists at SOM used Altair OptiStruct to generate an ideal project plan that considered sustainable regulations and manufacturing constraints.

Customer Stories

Guide to Accelerating e-Mobility to Realization

The electric mobility revolution is ready to go mainstream. OEMs, suppliers, and emerging vehicle manufacturers are investing billions to develop innovative electric vehicles and optimize development and production processes to deliver e-mobility to the masses. For companies to realize their goals of achieving mass adoption and profitability, we see simulation technology as the cornerstone of any e-mobility strategy. Whether updating existing vehicle design processes to go electric or developing a new program from the ground up, it can be challenging to identify the technology required and ensure these tools work harmoniously to model the complexities of the vehicle’s interconnected systems. In this guide, we set out to help electric vehicles manufacturers build a comprehensive technology stack, develop a sustainable design process, and deploy manufacturing operations that scale to meet growing demand.


Accelerating R&D in the Cloud

Materials designers and developers are constantly working to improve existing materials and create new ones that will allow us to interact with our world and explore in ways that weren’t possible before. Because being first counts in the race to materials innovation, Altair enabled a leading materials manufacturer to accelerate product development in the cloud.

Customer Stories

Mobilizing Humanity in a New Way

In this presentation, Rob Miller, Chief Marketing Officer, discusses how Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and its partners are building a transportation system that moves people and goods at unprecedented speeds safely, efficiently, and sustainably. Through the use of unique, patented technology and an advanced business model of lean collaboration, open innovation and integrated partnership, HyperloopTT is creating and licensing technologies. Founded in 2013, HyperloopTT is a global team comprised of more than 800 engineers, creatives and technologists in 52 multidisciplinary teams, with 40 corporate and university partners. Headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, HyperloopTT has offices in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, UAE; Bratislava, Slovakia; Toulouse, France; São Paulo, Brazil; and Barcelona, Spain. HyperloopTT has built a full-scale prototype in Toulouse, France and has signed agreements in the United States, UAE, France, India, China, Korea, Indonesia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Ukraine. "

Conference Presentations